Pro Imports Motors - Importação de Veículos
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The realisation of this outstanding design was extremely meticulous and required over five weeks of work. The #BMWi8 MemphisStyle. #BMWirepost via @lfa_63. #BMWi __________ BMW i8 plug-in hybrid BMW eDrive: energy consumption (combined): 11,9 kWh/100 km. Fuel consumption (combined): 2,1 l/100 km, CO2 emissions (combined): 49 g/km. Fuel consumption is determined in accordance with the ECE driving cycle (93/116/EC), made up of approximately one-third urban traffic and two-thirds extra-urban driving (based on the distance covered). Further information about the official fuel consumption and the official specific CO2 emissions for new passenger automobiles can be found in the 'New Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Guidelines', which are available free of charge at all sales outlets and from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany and on
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